Office of the Chief Judicial Magistrate Job Circular published by the govt job authority. This job recruitment of 114 people to 09 vacancy posts. Office of the Chief Judicial Magistrate job location is at Chief Judicial Magistrates’ offices, Manikganj. Both men and women can apply in empty positions. If you have a Bachelor or equivalent degree/ HSC/ SSC certificate you can apply in this job. Please see the picture below for more details about the applicants.
Chief Judicial Magistrate Court Job Circular 2019
District Name: Madaripur
Source: Jaijaidin, 03 December 2019
Application Deadline: 18 December 2019
Source: Samakal, 23 November 2019
Application Deadline: 10 December 2019
District Name: Brahmanbaria
District Name: Rangamati Chief Judicial Magistrate Court Job Circular 201
সরকারী চাকুরীর আবেদন ফরম (জনপ্রশাসন মন্ত্রণালয়)
Govt Job Application Form Download
This page related to: govt jobs, government jobs, latest govt jobs, govt jobs 2018, govt jobs 2019, latest government jobs, government jobs news,government jobs circular 2018, government jobs circular 2019,bd govt job circular 2018, bd govt job circular 2019, all govt job circular 2018, all govt job circular 2019, government jobs in Bangladesh 2018,government jobs in Bangladesh 2019. The Bangladeshi judiciary faces a severe shortage of judges. As of July 2017, 1,268 judges deal with over 2.7 million cases in lower courts, 86 High Court justices deal with 431,000 cases and 6 Supreme Court justices deal with 13,000 cases .